Whitehorse Archery
Getting Started
When you join the club, we can lend you equipment to get started. The first four times, until you order your own, are free. If you lose or break an item, the costs are $10 arrow, $35 tab, $25 arm guard, $200 bow.
For those of you looking to purchase bows, please let one of the executive know what you would like and we will help you get set up. A good bow to start with is the PSE Nighthawk or the Jandao Scorpion. Don't "overbow" yourself. Most adult shooters will start in the 25# - 30# range. We can also get you supplied with proper arrows and we regularly order tabs and arm guards.
Buy and Sell
If you have archery gear you want to buy, sell or trade, you can post it here. Just send a note to us on the Sign Up page. We will get in touch for photos and details. Once we post on the page, the rest is up to you. We will relay messages but we are not responsible for exchanging money or the quality of the items posted.
Tabs- $35
We have Rod Jenkins signature tabs by Safari Tuff.
Stringers - $35
We had these beautiful bow stringers made up by our own Tanzilla Harness Supply in Whitehorse. They are tough, nylon webbing with a non-slip grip on the loop and a snug fitting sleeve for the limb tip. Available in black, purple, green, blue, red and you-can't-lose-it orange.

We currently have the following for sale May 2024. These are the member prices.